Corporate Wellness

Desk Duty: Why Sitting Can be as Deadly as Smoking

October 28, 2022
Dr. Nikhil Latey
Desk Duty: Why Sitting Can be as Deadly as Smoking

Motion is lotion, isn’t it? Sitting isn't part of our design. You may not think of your office chair or the couch you enjoy binge-watching on when you think of something that might pose a health risk. When you sit for long periods of time, the body deteriorates, according to Dr Joan Vernikos, author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals.

How Sedentary Are We?

Around three million avoidable deaths are caused by physical inactivity each year (6% of all fatalities). Among noncommunicable illnesses, it is the fourth leading cause of death.

The following studies demonstrate how sedentary we are:

  • According to PubMed Central, 52.1% of participants in the study were not physically active. Studies conducted in India and abroad have reported similar findings. 
  • It was reported that 56.8% of participants in a study conducted in Punjab, India, were not sufficiently active as recommended by the WHO. 
  • According to data from the Indian Council of Medical Research study, Chandigarh has a 66.8% prevalence of physical inactivity.
  • According to a study, 49.7% of adults in southern India were physically inactive.

Sitting and Exercising

Sitting Is the New Smoking
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

Marathon sitting sessions cannot be negated by exercise. Lifestyle fitness, whether it is exercise in the gym, running, yoga, pilates, or another form of exercise, will not make you healthier if you sit for long periods of time. Instead, you are more likely to live a happy healthy life if you sit less during the day.

Sitting for Long Periods of Time.

Sitting for long periods of time can actually alter your metabolism. Sitting for just 30 minutes slows down metabolism by 90%. The large leg and gluteal muscles can weaken and waste when sat for long periods of time. 

With weak glutes, the legs are less stable and have less power. If you sit consistently with poor posture, it can also result in back problems. Even your sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back to your toes, may be irritated by the back, hip, and buttock muscles together.

When you spend a lot of time hunched over a keyboard, your neck and shoulders can become stiff and painful. As you do this for hours and hours, you reduce your flexibility and movement, straining your neck and upper back muscles.

While scrolling through social media on their phones, people sit in compromised postures that can be detrimental to their rotator cuffs, wrists, and forearms.

Heart Health and Sitting

Sitting Is the New Smoking
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Heart disease is more likely to develop if you sit for a long time each day. Diabetes type 2 and obesity, two major risk factors for heart disease, can be caused by sitting, which can lead to insulin resistance. In addition, during a heart attack, the blood flow slows down, which causes the blood vessels to accumulate fatty acids.

Heart disease results from disruption of vascular function. According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, there is an independent relationship between prolonged sitting time and deleterious health outcomes, regardless of physical activity. 

You still have a risk of heart disease and death even if you clock in an hour of intense physical activity a day. This is especially true for those who work continuously without taking a break; therefore, companies are focusing more on employee wellness programs to assist them to build healthy working habits. 

"Sitting is the thief of health." - Steve Jobs

Depression and Anxiety

We don't understand the relationships between sitting and mental health as well as we do the ties between sitting and physical health, but we do know that those who sit more are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

This might be due to the fact that those who spend a lot of time sitting lose out on the benefits of workout and fitness. If this is the case, getting up and moving may be beneficial.

Living a Movement-Based Lifestyle

Here are a few ways you can incorporate physical activity into your daily routine:

Make sure you take frequent breaks. After 30 minutes of continuous sitting, get up and move around

  • When possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Stop texting your colleagues and walk over to them instead
  • If you can, enjoy a short walk during your lunch break
  • Consider switching to standing and sitting-friendly height-adjustable desks. 

 You will have increased energy levels and endurance once you become physically active, and your muscles and bones will remain strong when you are physically active.

Final Words

It appears that stretching your muscles breaks up long periods of sitting, so strive to incorporate more exercise into your day. Every once in a while set a timer to remind yourself to get up and walk. Stand up while you're taking a call. You may want to consider an adjustable standing desk if you have a PC. Sit on a stability ball rather than an armchair while watching TV to keep yourself upright. Exercises to relieve joint pain are also recommended.

Corporate Kitchen Makeover

A Fresh Start: Reimagining Corporate Kitchens with Power8

July 2, 2023
Mohit Sahni
A Fresh Start: Reimagining Corporate Kitchens with Power8

As a co-founder of Power8, I've observed a significant, yet often overlooked, area that affects the health and wellness of employees: the corporate canteen. It's a truth universally acknowledged that good nutrition is a cornerstone of good health. 

Still, what happens when your work, an environment where many of us spend the majority of our time, doesn't support this critical aspect of wellness? That's where Power8’s Corporate Kitchen Makeover comes into play.

Ensuring a Healthy Foundation

Embarking on the journey of creating a healthier corporate kitchen, we commence with an in-depth, meticulous audit. This process isn't just a cursory glance over the pantry or a review of the vending machines. It's an extensive inspection that aligns with Schedule 4 of the FSSA, 2006, aiming to certify that the food served to your diligent employees is wholesome, safely prepared, and hygienically stored.

We do not take this responsibility lightly; we're fully aware of the trust you put in us. This process ensures we are meeting the required health and safety regulations, but more importantly, it is about acknowledging and addressing the crucial role nutrition plays in overall wellness, productivity, and mental agility in the workplace.

"Creating a productive and healthy workforce demands a systemic and sustained approach. It starts in the kitchen."

Setting the Path

Having established a solid foundation through the audit, the next stage in the Kitchen Makeover involves a two-day on-site visit by our dedicated team of experts. These specialists bring a wealth of experience in assessing kitchen layouts, raw material storage areas, food handling and preparation techniques, hygiene, and sanitation practices, and food transportation. Their knowledge and expertise in food safety standards and protocols are pivotal in this phase of the makeover.

Their role isn't limited to merely identifying areas of concern but extends to providing immediate actionable solutions to improve these aspects. By the end of this phase, we ensure the canteen, a vital place in the company, is a hub for wellness and positivity, while still complying with FSSAI guidelines and SOPs.

Investing in Skills

To sustain the changes implemented, we organize a two-day training workshop for food handlers and kitchen staff. We focus on imparting knowledge about the best hygiene and sanitation practices, assessing the quality of raw materials, and preventing food spoilage. Training also involves teaching ways to avoid cross-contamination - a major issue in large kitchens - and how to follow FSSAI guidelines and SOPs.

This training isn't a mere seminar or lecture but a hands-on, practical session. We believe that true learning comes from doing, and so, our training workshops are interactive and engaging, designed to instill best practices and provide a deeper understanding of why they are necessary.

Healthy Menu Planning

With hygiene and safety standards well implemented, the next phase involves the actual food being served - we start the process of healthy menu planning. We collaborate with your chefs, taking into consideration the current menu, the preferences of the employees, and the kitchen capabilities. Our aim is to subtly reduce daily calorie intake, without compromising on the taste or satisfaction of the meals.

We've learned that the secret to a successful health-focused menu is in striking a balance. It’s not about eliminating favorite foods or making drastic changes; it’s about small, sustainable shifts toward healthier choices. For instance, introducing whole grains in place of refined ones, increasing the portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, or using healthier cooking methods.

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore

Weight Loss Challenge

To motivate employees to embrace these healthier food options, we facilitate a 5-week weight loss challenge, tracked through our app - PlanMyFood. This isn't just a competition to lose weight, but a holistic challenge that encourages employees to make smarter, healthier food choices, despite the busyness of their work schedules. This interactive challenge also brings an element of fun and engagement to the workplace, fostering a sense of community and shared goals.

Encouragement and motivation are critical when making lifestyle changes, and our weight loss challenge provides this in spades. Weekly check-ins, healthy recipes, progress tracking, and support from fellow participants make this a positive and motivating experience. The aim is to inspire long-term changes, transforming not just the corporate kitchen but the health and wellness attitudes of the employees.

Re-adjusting Daily Calorie Intake

Adjusting the daily calorie intake in the kitchen menu is the final touch in our Corporate Kitchen Makeover. The objective here is not just weight loss, but optimal health and vitality. By taking into account factors such as portion sizes, food groups, and timing of meals, we strategically redesign the menu to ensure that it's well-rounded and balanced.

This is where our expertise truly shines. Our knowledge of nutritional science allows us to develop menus that cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences. For instance, if your team contains a mix of vegetarians, vegans, and meat-eaters, we can design a menu that everyone will enjoy. In this phase, we also consider factors like dietary restrictions, food allergies, and specific nutritional requirements of your workforce.

Closing Thoughts

The Power8 Corporate Kitchen Makeover is more than a revamp of your canteen; it's an investment in the health, productivity, and well-being of your employees. By optimizing the heart of your workplace – the kitchen – we create an environment that not only feeds the stomachs but also nourishes the health and well-being of your workforce. 

With improved diet and nutrition, you'll notice a boost in morale, productivity, and overall workplace satisfaction, proving that when you invest in your employees' health, the returns are manifold. Remember, a healthier workplace is a happier workplace!

Emotional Wellbeing

Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

November 11, 2022
Usha Mallya
Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

Inflation is a long-term pattern of rising prices across the economy yearly. Inflation rates indicate the rate of erosion of the value of an investment over time as well as the loss of purchasing power. Investing in assets requires a return on investment consistent with their living standard. 

To overcome the effects of inflation on your investment, you must have financial planning and knowledge. Here are a few things you should know. 

Inflation: What Causes It?

Inflation occurs when the demand for an item or service exceeds the supply of that good or service. This is referred to as demand-pull inflation, and it causes price increases. 

Inflation is also caused by a rise in the cost of producing products and services. As the cost of manufacturing an item rises, manufacturers raise the selling price in order to achieve or maintain a specified profit. This is referred to as cost-pull inflation.

Here's a chart demonstrating how a lakh's value decreases over time to help you comprehend this better.

‍Inflation: What Causes It?

Financial vs Physical Investment

Physical assets can be felt, seen, touched, or held, such as real estate, precious metals, jewellery, plant and machinery, vehicles, tools, etc. These assets must be maintained, repaired, and upgraded, which can lead to expenses.

An intangible asset, such as shares, bonds, deposits in banks, accounts receivables, goodwill, copyrights, patents, etc., cannot be seen or touched, except for the records proving ownership of the asset, for example, shares, bonds, deposits in banks. The value of financial support does not depreciate or diminish with time. Nevertheless, depending on market conditions, the value of a financial asset can appreciate or depreciate.

Asset Classes and Inflation

The value of liquid assets tends to rise less over time than the value of other types of assets since inflation affects them similarly. Because of this, liquid assets are more susceptible to inflation's effects. The larger economy tends to retain fewer liquid assets when inflation rates are high.

Although illiquid assets can generate interest and grow in value, inflation also affects them. Investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is one of the best ways to protect savings against inflation. In times of high inflation, people often spend their liquid assets on consumer goods or invest them in interest-paying assets.

Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds offer a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), a means of investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, say once a month or once a quarter, instead of making a lump-sum investment. Instalments could be as low as INR 500 per month and are similar to recurring deposits. Moreover, it is convenient since your bank can give you standing instructions to deduct the monthly amount.  

Here are some examples of the power of compounding

‍Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Three Golden Rules of Investment

Start Early

It is recommended that you start early in order to gain greater financial wellbeing and to maximise your returns on investment. If you allow your investment portfolio to generate returns over time, your returns will essentially create more returns. In technical terms, this is called compounding, proving that even small investments can accumulate into large sums over time.

Invest Regularly

Regularly investing rather than attempting to time a lump sum investment can help you become a more disciplined investor. Ultimately, you must invest no matter how high or low the price is. As a result, investing becomes less emotional, and you can put your money to work more quickly.

Invest for Long Term

The relationship between volatility and time is an advantage of long-term investing. The volatility of investments held for a more extended period tends to be lower than the volatility of assets held for a shorter period. The longer you invest, the more likely you will survive market downturns.

Investments with their risk vs return potential

Three Golden Rules of Investment


If the returns on an investor's assets are less than the rate of inflation, even if they show profits, they will lose money. Additionally, individuals should ensure that their income increases at least as much as inflation; otherwise, they are technically earning less than they would otherwise and losing financial stability.

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