Personal Wellbeing

The best foods for your heart — Tips from a cardiologist.

November 25, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team
The best foods for your heart — Tips from a cardiologist.

The holidays are just around the corner, and it can be challenging to survive this hectic season; this becomes even more challenging if you are a person with diabetes. During this time of year, food and alcohol are abundant, and temptations are no doubt great, but maintaining good lifestyle habits requires daily mindfulness and preparation. 

To help you have a great party season without having to worry about heart disease, we asked a cardiologist expert to share some heart healthy food tips. 

Go Green With Your Diet

Food for your heart — Tips from a cardiologist.
Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash

The first step you can take is to increase your dietary fibre intake. Eat foods such as carrots, broccoli, whole grain cereals and grains, peas, lentils, melons, oranges, and pears. An individual fruit contains more fibre than three to four whole fruits used for making fruit juice.

Those with diabetes should avoid eating too many fruits. Choosing whole fruit and vegetables will increase your fibre intake and other nutrients. Instead, choose fruits that are low in sugar and rich in fibre, such as strawberries, oranges, sweet limes, apples, and pears.

Every meal should include a salad. You can get more nutrition by adding raw vegetables to a salad. Vegetables are a fantastic source of nutrients. In order to complete a full supper, you need a substantial amount of sprout-filled salad and vegetables. As sprouts are high in proteins and fibre, you should eat two daily servings.

Methi (fenugreek) seeds can be added to your meals. Its ingredients reduce cholesterol and are heart-healthy, making it an excellent source of soluble fibre.

In addition, people with diabetes and cardiac issues may benefit from adding raw methi seeds to curries, dals, or curd.

Let's say goodbye to salt and oil.

Let's say goodbye to salt and oil. Food for your heart — Tips from a cardiologist.
Photo by Matthijs Smit on Unsplash

We are not asking you to stop consuming oil and salt entirely but rather to limit their consumption. A daily salt intake of 5-6 grams is recommended for healthy people. However, if you have been treated for heart disease or had heart surgery, the daily salt consumption should be at most 2 grams or roughly half a teaspoon.

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore 

The commercial marketplace also offers a wide variety of heart-healthy oils, including rice bran oil, mustard oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and groundnut oil. Using more than one cooking oil per month can provide additional benefits.

Be mindful of both quality and quantity.

Keep an eye on the amount of frying oil. It's essential to monitor the quantity of cooking oil you use, no matter what kind you use. The amount should be at most 15 ml (or three teaspoons) per day. 

You can use ghee in addition to cooking oils; however, you should not consume more than 15 ml per day. Consider taking one teaspoon of ghee and two teaspoons of oil instead of three teaspoons of oil a day.

In case you are uncertain about portions and types and want expert advice, you can approach HR at work about a corporate wellness program where an expert nutritionist will guide you through healthy heart dos and dont's.

Maintain a portion control policy. Spread your meals out over the day and consume small portions. A person who eats three full courses in one sitting may strain their heart, other organs, and stomach. 

It is best to eat six small meals throughout the day or two meals followed by pauses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks mid-afternoon snacks. In addition, simple, light foods should be served at supper. Avoid fatty and gas-producing meals at dinner, such as beans and cauliflower.

The nuttier, the better

There is no doubt that nuts are heart-healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining the health of your heart, and they supply the highest amount. The benefits of this include maintaining blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, lowering triglycerides, reducing inflammation, and preventing heart disease. In addition, there is a lot of PUFA in almonds and walnuts, which makes them excellent for the heart.

Consider your snack choices carefully. Incorporate light snacks such as sprouts chaat, vegetable chaat, boiling corn chaat, puffed rice (kurmura), or bhel into your menu. 

When it comes down to it, it is always a good idea to keep a close eye on your consumption and speak with a nutritionist if you are particularly mindful.


How to Truly Satisfy Your Employee, According to Harvard Research

September 2, 2023
Mohit Sahni
How to Truly Satisfy Your Employee, According to Harvard Research

In the corporate maze, there's always a buzz about what truly keeps employees ticking. Is it the hefty paycheck at the end of the month? The fancy job title? Or perhaps the alluring office perks like free lunches and game rooms? But what if the real secret to employee happiness isn't found in any of these? 

What if it's something more fundamental, more intrinsic? According to a Harvard Business School professor, there's one standout factor that holds the key to employee contentment. And no, it's not about the size of their wallet or the view from their office window. It's about being recognized for their accomplishments, about knowing that their work truly matters.

The True Value of Employee Happiness

When you picture a thriving workplace, what comes to mind? Perhaps it's state-of-the-art facilities, innovative projects, or impressive revenue charts. But beneath these tangible indicators, there lies a more profound metric, often overlooked: employee happiness.

It's not just a feel-good factor. Employee happiness is a potent business catalyst. Study after study highlights a simple truth: happy employees work harder. It's not about clocking extra hours but about the quality, creativity, and dedication they bring to each task. Their enthusiasm becomes infectious, elevating team morale and driving projects forward with a zest that's hard to replicate.

Moreover, happiness isn't just about boosting performance in the present. It has long-term implications. A content employee is more likely to stay, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of hiring and training new personnel. They become brand ambassadors, their satisfaction radiating beyond office walls to potential clients and recruits. And here's a kicker: happiness makes people functionally smarter. It's as if joy fine-tunes the brain, enhancing decision-making, problem-solving, and innovative thinking.

Decoding Happiness: Myths vs. Reality

The quest for the secret sauce of employee happiness often takes us down some well-trodden paths. We think, surely, a fatter paycheck will spark joy. After all, doesn't everyone want to earn more? Or perhaps it's about status, with high-flying job titles and corner offices being the coveted trophies. Maybe it's the culture – those hip workplaces with bean bags, team outings, and no-jerks-allowed policies.

But here's the twist. Dive into the data and these commonly held beliefs start to crumble. Higher pay and elevated job titles, while appealing on the surface, don't correlate directly with increased happiness. Whether you're in a blue-collar role or a white-collar one, the happiness meter tends to hover around the same mark. Similarly, the nonprofit versus for-profit debate? It's a draw when it comes to job satisfaction.

Harvard's Golden Nugget

When it comes to unlocking the mystery of employee contentment, Arthur Brooks, a renowned professor from Harvard Business School, offers a refreshing take. It's not about the paychecks with many zeros or a corner office view; it's about something profoundly human. Brooks insists that the cornerstone of happiness in the workplace lies in a "sense of recognized accomplishment." It's about feeling that your contributions at work don't just vanish into the ether but are noticed, valued, and celebrated.

In a candid conversation with HBR, Brooks delves deeper, answering the pivotal question: What kind of jobs truly make employees happy? The surprising revelation? Neither higher pay nor a grandiose title guarantees happiness. Blue-collar or white-collar, for-profit or nonprofit - employees across the spectrum report similar levels of job satisfaction. 

So, if money and status aren’t the magic potions, what is? It boils down to a sense of achievement and the recognition that comes with it. When employees feel that they're genuinely making a difference and that their achievements are acknowledged, that's when they truly shine.

This insight reframes our understanding of job satisfaction. It’s not about external accolades but an internal recognition of value. Employees crave the validation that their work has meaning, that they're driving change, and that this change doesn't go unnoticed. As Brooks succinctly puts it, happiness stems from "earning success" and feeling that you're "creating value" both in your life and in your professional journey.

The Universal Craving

Employees, regardless of their role or rank, have an innate desire to be seen, acknowledged, and validated. This isn't just about vanity or seeking praise. It's a deep-rooted psychological need that ties back to our very essence as humans. When our efforts are recognized fairly, it sends a signal that we're valuable and that our contributions matter.

Arthur Brooks' insights shed light on this very sentiment. He suggests that beyond the trappings of high pay or lofty job titles, what employees truly crave is a transparent and genuine acknowledgment of their contributions. It's about feeling that their efforts are moving the needle, making a difference, and being noticed for it. When there's a clear and direct link between what an employee does and the recognition they receive, it fosters a sense of purpose and belonging.

Yet, many organizations miss the mark here. They pour resources into bonuses, perks, and other tangible rewards, overlooking the simple act of genuine acknowledgment. But the truth is, when employees see their hard work reflected in the company's success and feel a personal connection to that achievement, it creates a powerful motivation loop. 

It's a reminder that their role, no matter how big or small, has a meaningful impact. Happiness, in this context, springs from the simple joy of knowing one's work resonates and leaves a mark.

When Purpose Outshines Pay

When it comes to rewarding employees, many companies instinctively reach for the financial lever, thinking bonuses or raises are the ultimate tokens of appreciation. While fair compensation is undeniably important, it's not the sole ingredient in the recipe for genuine job satisfaction. 

Adam Grant's research at Wharton drives this point home. In a compelling study, call center workers who heard firsthand how their efforts changed someone's life saw a whopping 20% jump in revenue. It wasn't a bigger paycheck that fueled this surge, but the profound realization of the impact of their work.

So, before you consider adding another zero to a bonus or installing the latest office gadgetry, take a moment to reflect on the essentials. Do your employees genuinely see the value of their contributions? Do they feel acknowledged and appreciated for the difference they make? In the quest for a happier workplace, it's clear: a sense of purpose and genuine recognition far outweigh the allure of monetary rewards. Meaning, it seems, truly does trump money.

Financial Wellbeing

Budgeting and managing ZNMD Lifestyle with Lagaan Taxes

December 12, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team
Budgeting and managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes

Striking a balance between lifestyle expenses and taxes can be difficult, but it is essential. On the one hand, you want to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and have the financial resources to pay for the things you need and want. But, on the other hand, you also want to minimise your tax burden and keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. 

This often requires spending money on things like travel, hobbies, and other leisure activities. However, paying our fair share of taxes is also important, as they help fund essential services and infrastructure that benefit society. So is there a way to achieve a perfect balance between these two? Let's explore how you can strike this perfect balance in this article. 

Stick To Your Budget

‍Stick To Your Budget - Balancing the Finances Managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

One way to strike a balance between these two competing priorities is to create a budget and stick to it. This can help us to keep track of our spending and ensure that we are not overspending on lifestyle expenses at the expense of our tax obligations. It can also help us prioritise our spending and make sure we spend money on the things most important to us.

By setting priorities and being mindful of your spending, you can simultaneously avoid overspending on unnecessary expenses and reduce your tax burden.

For example, consider contributing to a retirement account if you are trying to save money on your taxes. These contributions can be deducted from your taxable income, which can help reduce your tax bill. Additionally, you can take advantage of other tax breaks and deductions, such as the earned income tax credit or the child tax credit, to further reduce your tax burden.

Be Mindful of the Tax Implications

Another way to strike a balance is to be mindful of the tax implications of our spending decisions. For example, certain types of expenses, such as charitable donations or education expenses, may be tax deductible, which can offset some of the tax burdens. As a further benefit, tax-advantaged savings and investment accounts can help you save for the future and reduce your tax liability at the same time.

Cut Back Where You Can

‍Cut Back Where You Can - Balancing the Finances Managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes
Photo by GoodNotes on Unsplash

Another way to balance lifestyle expenses and taxes is to carefully review your spending and identify areas where you can cut back. For example, evaluate your monthly payments and look for ways to reduce your spending on things like groceries, entertainment, and transportation. By cutting back on these expenses, you can free up more money to put towards your savings or investments, which can help reduce your tax burden.

"Financial well-being is not just about having a lot of money; it's about having a healthy relationship with money and feeling financially secure." - The Financial Diet.

Identify Ways to Increase Income

You may also want to consider ways to increase your income. For example, you could take on a part-time job or start a side hustle to earn extra money. This additional income can be used to pay off debt, build up your savings, or make investments that can help reduce your tax burden.

This can be challenging if you have multiple sources of income and a complex financial situation. However, by using tools like budgeting software or apps, you can track your spending and income and see where your money is going. This can help you identify areas where you can cut back on your expenses. 

You can learn all these things in a financial wellbeing program if you struggle to keep track of your expenses. 

Closing Thoughts

Overall, striking a balance between lifestyle expenses and taxes requires careful planning and a willingness to make trade-offs. Our WellnessTribe Expert, Usha Mallya, a financial planner and advisor with KPMG, gives us some helpful tips above to start our new year.

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