Workplace Wellbeing

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS

February 5, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

It's no secret that stress has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, especially in the workplace. From meeting tight deadlines to dealing with a demanding boss, work-related stress is taking a toll on our mental and physical well-being. 

In fact, according to a recent survey by Hush, one in five Indian workers suffers from workplace depression. This not only affects an individual's performance and productivity, but it's also a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases. 

But what if we told you that there's a solution to this problem? A groundbreaking tool that can assess and measure work-related stress accurately and quickly.  

Breaking the Chains of Work Stress

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

An innovative tool has been developed by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS) to Assess and Classify Work Stress-16 (TAWS-16), an innovative tool that integrates three critical aspects of work stress - stressors, coping mechanisms, and symptoms. 

TAWS-16 is not just any ordinary stress assessment tool. It's a game-changer! Let's take a closer look at what makes TAWS-16 so special.

Unpacking the Unique Components

This tool is specifically designed to tackle work-related stress in the Indian workforce. With two sets of 16 questions, TAWS-16 takes into account not just stressors at work but also coping mechanisms and physical symptoms. The tool categorizes individuals into three colour-coded risk categories ( yellow, red, and green ) to help employers offer targeted interventions.

Streamlining the Administration Process

TAWS-16 is fast and easy to administer, taking only six to twelve minutes to complete. Taking the test can be done manually or electronically, making it accessible to everyone. And the best part? Results are provided instantly, so you can start taking action right away!

Extensive validation and reliability assessment: 

TAWS-16 is not just a quick solution but a reliable one too. It has been extensively tested and validated for Indian workplace settings, ensuring that the results you receive are accurate and trustworthy.

"No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you'd be more productive." - Dr. Joyce Brothers

No more outdated methods

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The current stress assessment tools in the public domain may measure stress, but they often fall short by considering factors not related to work and are too lengthy to administer regularly. Moreover, they don't consider employees' coping abilities or the manifestation of physical symptoms.

But that's not all; these tools aren't even validated for Indian workplace settings, making them irrelevant to the unique challenges faced by the Indian workforce. This is where TAWS-16 comes in - a tool specifically tailored to the Indian workplace. 

The program identifies common work stressors that Indians face and addresses problems specifically associated with the Indian workforce. It assesses work-related stress in a given workplace and considers various factors - exposure to stressors, frequency of exposure, coping abilities, work-stress level, and symptoms.

The Power of TAWS-16

TAWS-16 is a closer look at work stressors and provides a unique approach to stress assessment. This tool identifies the common work stressors faced by the Indian workforce and provides a solution tailored to the Indian workplace. The administration of TAWS-16 is fast, simple, and effective. It only takes between 6-12 minutes to complete and can be done manually or through a web-based application.

Not only is TAWS-16 easy to use, but it also provides immediate results. The results are categorized into three color-coded risk categories (red, yellow, and green), which allows for targeted interventions. The fast and effective administration of TAWS-16, combined with its immediate results, gives workplaces the power to take control of their employees' stress levels.

TAWS-16 has undergone extensive validation and reliability assessment, so you can be confident in the results it provides. 

Leading the Way to Wellness

For too long, traditional stress assessment methods have fallen short of addressing the unique stressors that Indian workers face. TAWS-16 changes that by offering a fast, simple, and effective solution to the problem. This tool considers the challenges and pressures that come with the Indian workplace and provides immediate results that can be used to create targeted interventions.

Gone are the days of outdated stress assessment tools that fail to address the unique stressors of the Indian workforce. TAWS-16 takes a holistic approach by integrating stressors, coping mechanisms, and physical symptoms to accurately assess work-related stress in just 6-12 minutes.

As a corporate wellness company, at The Wellness Tribe we understands the toll work-related stress can take on employees' mental and physical well-being. That's why we are excited about NIMHANS' groundbreaking tool for measuring workplace stress: TAWS-16.

The Wellness Tribe is here to support you with AI-driven analysis and wellness solutions for your employees. Let's break the chains of work stress and prioritize employee well-being together.

Corporate Wellness

Social Networking When You Hate It - An Introvert's Guide

November 18, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

The pandemic has compelled us to go online in recent years. We could only conduct business online since physical meetings were not permitted. Some of us found it unbearable, while others benefited, making most of whatever was available in the form of a company.

We are progressively being asked to leave the safety of our virtual world and speak with actual words rather than emojis and GIFs now that things are more-or-less under control once again. So we can understand how some people would find that adjustment challenging.

Walking up to strangers can be intimidating and nerve-wracking. But with some practice and a few tips, you could meet new friends at every turn.

Learn the Three W's (Why, Where, and When) of talking.

The Three W's of Talking to Strangers—why, where, and when—help set the stage before delving into the specifics of how to approach someone you don't know.

  • Why? Find out why you want to talk to people you don't know.
  • Where? Go where people are to talk to them.
  • When? Use a stranger's body language to know when to talk to them.

Instead of thinking you need to connect with dozens of people or businesses, focus on connecting with just one. Once you've reached that goal, you might feel more confident to go on and talk to someone else. If you have a list of people who will be there, you can be even more specific about your goal.

Gain Connection Early

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

If you're shy or quiet, the best time to show up at an event is at the start. Fewer people are in the room during the pre-event period, so you can speak without being interrupted. Also, as the room fills up, everyone is looking for someone to talk to. 

When you make one great connection early on in the night, you'll gain confidence and meet more new people as the night progresses.

Icebreakers! Pick Yours

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Having a few icebreaker questions or topics ready can help you feel more comfortable when talking to someone for the first time. 

Among these topics are how they heard about the event, how long they've been with the organization, what they enjoy doing around town with their family, or what's exciting for them in the future. 

Try to engage in a natural conversation with your conversation partner instead of focusing solely on their work. Doing so leaves a lasting impression, learns what makes the person tick, and gets to know them better.

Here are a few examples of icebreakers:

1. How many countries have you visited?

2. What would be your dream place to live if you had the choice?

3. Do you have a favorite TV show?

Make A List

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Make a list of questions you can always ask to get you through the first few minutes of the meeting. No one in the world doesn't like talking about themselves. 

Find out what brand they work on, and tell them what you know about their company. Then, tell them why you like their product if you use it. This gives people a chance to tell stories, which is a great way to find things they have in common.

Keep It Going

The best way to build a long-lasting relationship is to become a mentor or mentee. The benefits of mentoring in business are many, including avoiding too much formality in the relationship. In addition, you can be honest with the other people involved by revealing your flaws and goals.

The fear of not knowing what to expect makes some people afraid to seek advice or assistance from others. Mentoring also helps you to understand the next generation better. The importance of building strong relationships below you is just as great as it is for those above you. In your role as a mentee, you will benefit from the advice and objective viewpoint of someone you trust and respect.

Closing Thoughts

There's no doubt that a strong network can help your business, and it works both ways. So, if you're stuck, look for ways you can help your peers. With that simple action, you're already social networking in the best way possible.

Do you feel better prepared to network now that you have the tips? What is one tip you can easily implement from this article? Let us know in the comments below.

Occupational Wellness

Stay Committed, Stay Strong: How to Defeat the Quitting Bug

January 5, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

The "quitting bug" is a sneaky little devil, it creeps in slowly, and before we know it, it's devoured our goals and leaves us feeling defeated. It can come in many forms, from procrastination to self doubt, from lack of motivation to fear of failure.

But here's the thing, the quitting bug is not invincible. But it can be overcome with the right tools, mindset, and support. In this article, we'll arm you with strategies, tips, and support to keep the quitting bug at bay and help you stay the course toward achieving your aspirations.

We'll help you stay motivated and focused, even when the going gets tough, and show you how to bounce back from setbacks.

Spotting the Signs

The quitting bug is a master at disguise, it can sneak up on you, and you may not even realize it's there. But, just like a master detective, if you know what to look for, you can spot the signs and take action before it's too late.

Common signs of the quitting bug include procrastination, self-doubt, lack of motivation, and fear of failure. For instance, if you find yourself constantly postponing tasks related to your goals, that's a red flag that the quitting bug might lurk around the corner. Or if you find yourself questioning your abilities and doubting your potential to achieve your goals, that's another indication that the quitting bug is trying to sabotage you.

It's essential to pay attention to these signs and take action before the quitting bug takes over. This could be as simple as taking a break, seeking out support, or reframing negative thoughts. By being vigilant, you'll be able to catch the quitting bug before it does any damage.

Focusing on the Finish Line

Stay Committed, Stay Strong How to Conquer the Quitting Bug
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash 

When the road ahead seems uncertain and the going gets tough, staying motivated and committed to your goals can be challenging. But fear not! There are tried and true strategies that can help you conquer the urge to quit and keep pushing forward.

One such strategy is to break your big dreams into smaller, bite-sized tasks. This makes the journey less intimidating and easier to digest. Setting deadlines for each task can also help keep you accountable and focused. Another effective tactic is to remind yourself why your goal is important to you and visualize yourself crossing the finish line. This can inspire and drive needed to keep going.

"The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!" - Vince Lombardi

When things inevitably get tough, it's important to stay focused and keep pushing forward. This may mean taking a break when needed or finding a different activity to help you refocus. Additionally, try to reframe negative thoughts and bounce back from setbacks. Finally, whether seeking support or finding ways to make the journey easier, don't be afraid to ask for help.

By keeping an eye on the finish line and utilizing these strategies, you can stay motivated and on track to achieving your goals.

The Power of Accountability

Stay Committed, Stay Strong How to Conquer the Quitting Bug
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

When it comes to reaching our goals, we all face moments of doubt and uncertainty. It's in those moments when the quitting bug starts to creep in that accountability can be our saving grace. Having someone to keep us in check, remind us of our aspirations, and hold us accountable can make all the difference in staying the course.

Building a support system of individuals who believe in us and our goals is crucial. This can be in the form of a mentor, coach, accountability partner, or even a group of like-minded individuals. In case your organization has a corporate wellness program, you can ask the experts there for tips on how to stay on track. These people can offer guidance, constructive feedback, and a listening ear when we need it the most.

Sharing our progress and goals with others can also be a powerful motivator. By telling our friends and family and even documenting our journey online, we hold ourselves accountable to our aspirations and see our progress being recognized by others. This not only keeps us motivated but also provides a source of inspiration and encouragement.

Staying the Course

When the going gets tough, it's natural to feel the pull of giving up on our goals. But the actual test of our resolve is in our ability to persevere and not give in to the quitting bug. 

As you embark on this quest, Here are a few things you should keep in mind: 

  • Consider factors such as job satisfaction, financial stability, and long-term career goals
  • Remember that perseverance and determination are key to achieving our aspirations
  • Celebrate small victories and progress along the way
  • Seek out support and encouragement from others

Many of us are fighting the same battle, and it is important to offer encouragement and support to others and to seek it out for ourselves. ourselves. Together, we can overcome the temptations to quit and reach the summit of our aspirations.

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