Emotional Wellness

Meditation: The First Step to Calmer, Clearer Minds

November 11, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We live in a world full of distractions and stimulations. But imagine if there was a way to slow things down for the mind to unwind and for our body to let go of that stress.

What was the last time you devoted some time to being still, putting down your phone, and getting rid of all the distractions around you?

When was the last time you didn't do anything? 

Today, let’s discover how meditation can benefit us in our life. Whether you are new or have done some meditation before, you will find this guide very helpful. 

Meditation: What Exactly Is It?

So you may be asking, Well, what is meditation? Honestly, it's actually a really simple thing. In essence, meditation is a skill that trains our minds so we can maintain a calmer, clearer mind and feel more at ease mind body soul.

Thus, we're taking a few minutes out of our everyday routine and training our minds to be less distracted and more present. No need to become a monk or nun to meditate. 

Many people assume that meditation is meant to control the mind, change the mind, and get rid of thoughts and distractions. There is more to meditation than that. If you've been introduced to meditation through a workplace wellness program or other employee wellbeing program, you can make it easy at home without any help. 

Here’s an Example to Make It Easier

Begin Your Journey Towards a Calmer, Clearer Mind With Meditation
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look at meditation in this way. Imagine that you're sitting on the side of the road. Now, you have just to sit there and watch the cars. The cars are your thoughts. Sounds easy, right? We tend to feel unsettled when the traffic moves.

So to stop the cars, we run out into the road. Perhaps we even forget the point of sitting there in the first place, chasing after some. Obviously, running around all the time only increases our restlessness in mind.

So by training the mind, we can transform our relationship with those passing thoughts and feelings. Having a different perspective on things allows us to find the peace we need for prosperous mental health.

Is it possible to get distracted from the idea of the exercise sometimes? Indeed, as soon as we remember, we're back on the roadside, watching the traffic go by, entirely at ease, body and mind. A fundamental method of cultivating a sense of peace is focused attention.

"Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity." - Voltaire

The Art of Meditation

It's important to have something to focus our attention on when we're training our mind body soul. It could be a visualisation, a question, a word, a phrase, or maybe even something external. The most common thing to focus on is the breath.

Our focus of attention gives us an anchor. We can turn to it when we suddenly realise our minds have wandered. That, of course, will happen sometimes.

It's not that we're trying to block out thoughts or isolate ourselves from the world we live in when we focus on an object like our breath. But, rather than getting sucked into that type of thinking or distraction, we're learning to step out of it, let it go, and return to our calm, focused attention.

The Science Behind Meditation

‍The Science Behind Meditation
Photo by cottonbro studio

The concept of focused attention is not new. Thousands of years ago, Buddhists practised meditation to achieve inner piece and happiness. People who have practised meditation for years have felt the benefits but don't necessarily know how it works physiologically.

The last 20 years have seen scientists rigorously measure blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and even brain structure to see what's happening.

There is something called "neuroplasticity." It explains that the brain is flexible and malleable, that it could change, and that scientists were actually witnessing this by putting monks through an fMRI scanner and noticing what was happening to the brain before, during, and after meditation.

It is now known that when we meditate, we are training a muscle, just like when we go to the gym and work out. We build it up. The same goes for that part of the brain linked to happiness and well-being.

It's getting thicker. It's getting stronger, so we actually spend more time in that place. Meditation's been proven to reduce stress, frustration, depression, and pain and also to increase happiness, heightening levels of patience, acceptance, and compassion. So even if you feel like nothing is happening when you meditate and practice mindfulness, you can be assured that it can improve your personal as well as wellbeing at workplace.

So if you wish to embark on a journey through mindfulness, let’s get started. with our Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms guide.

Corporate Wellness

What Corporate Wellness Programs Can Do for Your Workplace

December 7, 2022
Wellness Tribe Team

Throughout the world, businesses have been implementing corporate wellness programs for years. Corporate fitness and wellness programs, once limited to large corporations, are becoming popular among small and medium-sized businesses as well.

But how can wellness programs help employees and companies besides higher job satisfaction and better health and well-being? To address this question, we've compiled a list of the top advantages of wellness programs.

Improves Productivity

What Corporate Wellness Programs Can Do for Your Workplace
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

According to Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers report that enrolling in corporate wellness programs can boost employee productivity and save businesses money.

One of the primary causes of low productivity is poor health. Employees are less likely to be productive when they are sick.

Regular exercise, for example, boosts productivity and performance when part of wellness activities. Consequently, your employees will be more motivated and focused to complete their tasks.

Enhances Health Behavior

The major advantage of implementing a workplace wellness program is that it improves employees' physical and emotional health by assisting them in adopting healthy behaviours and reducing health risks.

The right wellness program can assist employees in developing and maintaining healthy habits like regular physical exercise and proper nutrition. Moreover, it may help them reduce harmful health behaviour such as smoking and drug addiction.

In addition, minimising health risks is fundamental to good health, and a healthy individual is less likely to suffer from depression.

A Focused and Motivated Workforce

What Corporate Wellness Programs Can Do for Your Workplace
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

A corporation that fosters healthy cultures has a focused and motivated workforce that views health as a competitive advantage. A health and fitness group activity can help employees feel more connected to their company and colleagues. In addition, a wellness program will build new connections with individuals as it involves all firm members.

A workplace wellness program is also beneficial to your employees on a personal level. By contributing positively to other aspects of their lives, people feel motivated to stay with the organisation.

"Taking care of your employees is the right thing to do, and it also happens to be good business." - Richard Branson

Retains employees

A wellness initiative has a significant impact on employee retention. The effectiveness of a corporate wellness program can contribute to employee retention. By implementing a wellness program, employers will be able to assist their employees in achieving their goals.

Offering a wellness program to your employees demonstrates your interest in their health and well-being. In addition, it shows and underlines the company's concern for its employees' health. 

Enhances Employee Morale

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

Employee satisfaction and morale are important variables in determining a company's success. Employees feel accomplishment and pleasure by participating in health and wellness initiatives. This results in a happier and more productive workforce overall.

Since employees control their own health, their morale rises, and they are happier. As a result, individuals begin to like participating in wellness programs since it helps them. Living a healthy lifestyle causes employees to recognise and embrace the incentive of a health and wellness program.

Furthermore, employees that engage in healthy habits are often physically and psychologically sound, with decreased absenteeism.

Lowers Health-Care Costs

Employees' health benefits from working at a firm that encourages exercise and a good diet. It makes people less likely to be injured or ill, resulting in lower healthcare expenses.

According to one research, corporate wellness initiatives lower healthcare expenses. When your employees are healthy, they do not need to go to the doctor, pay their expenses, or purchase medications. This way, they can also save a lot of money in the long run. So, include your employees in your company's wellness program to keep illnesses at bay.

Closing thoughts

In order for employees to achieve their goals and dreams, they need a well-designed wellness program. Additionally, it encourages employees to reach their career goals by making them feel appreciated and cared for. A healthy work environment increases employee productivity, morale, and motivation.

Creating a positive image and an enjoyable workplace culture helps a company maintain a positive image.

Workplace Transformation

From Boomers to Zoomers - Building a Bridge of Wisdom in Your Team

August 9, 2024

The workplace is undergoing a significant transformation. People are living and working longer, while digital natives are rising to leadership roles at younger ages. It's a clash of generations, but it's also an opportunity to embrace the power of age diversity.

For too long, we've been obsessed with "knowledge work," a concept that is becoming increasingly outdated. With AI taking over many knowledge-based tasks, it's time to shift our focus to "wisdom work" - the ability to metabolize experience and share it with others.

The Age of Wisdom

The workplace is a stage for a fascinating play of contrasts. On one hand, we have a growing population of older workers, rich in experience and life lessons. On the other hand, we have a generation of digital natives ascending the leadership ladder at an unprecedented pace. It's a paradox that could create conflict, but instead, it offers a golden opportunity.  

The traditional notion of "knowledge work," championed by Peter Drucker, has dominated for decades. It placed a premium on accumulating and applying knowledge. However, the digital revolution has democratized knowledge. Information is at our fingertips, and AI is rapidly mastering many knowledge-based tasks. This shift challenges the old paradigm and calls for a new approach.  

Enter the age of "wisdom work." Wisdom isn't simply about knowing a lot; it's about applying knowledge with insight, judgment, and compassion. It's about seeing the bigger picture, understanding nuances, and anticipating consequences. And it's a skill honed through years of experience, navigating life's ups and downs.  

Neuroscience backs this up. Research suggests that our brains continue to develop well into our 60s and 70s. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making, complex problem-solving, and emotional regulation, continues to mature, leading to greater wisdom and emotional intelligence.  

In essence, older workers are like fine wine – they get better with age. They bring a depth of understanding and a nuanced perspective that can't be replicated by AI or simply acquired through formal learning.  

In a world that's becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable, wisdom is the compass that can guide us through uncertain times. It's time to embrace the modern elder, recognize their invaluable contributions, and foster a workplace where wisdom and experience are celebrated.

The Perks of a Wisdom-Powered Workplace

Embracing "wisdom work" can lead to several benefits:

  • Happier, More Loyal Employees: When older workers feel valued and their wisdom is appreciated, they're more likely to stay with a company. Similarly, younger employees who have access to mentors and coaches are more engaged and less likely to burn out.
  • Dream Teams: Diverse teams, with a mix of ages and experiences, outperform those with a single generation. It's the perfect blend of youthful energy and seasoned perspective.
  • People-First Culture: Understanding the needs and motivations of employees across generations fosters a more inclusive and supportive work environment.
  • Unlocking Hidden Potential: Tapping into the wisdom of experienced employees can elevate the entire organization and attract top talent.

Practical Tools for Your Workplace

Transforming your workplace into a wisdom powerhouse requires more than just recognizing its value. It's about actively creating an environment where wisdom can flourish and be shared across generations. Here are some actionable steps to foster a culture of intergenerational exchange:

  • Storytelling Circles: Organize regular gatherings where employees of all ages can share their experiences and the lessons they've learned. This creates a safe space for vulnerability and connection, fostering empathy and understanding.
  • "Wisdom Wednesdays": Dedicate a specific time each week for employees to connect with someone from a different generation. It could be a virtual coffee chat, a walk-and-talk, or a simple exchange of emails. This encourages cross-generational mentorship and builds relationships.
  • "Reverse Mentoring 2.0": Take reverse mentoring to the next level by pairing younger employees with older colleagues to teach them new skills or technologies. This empowers both parties and creates a sense of mutual respect and collaboration.
  • "Wisdom Jams": Bring together diverse groups of employees to brainstorm solutions to complex problems. The blend of youthful creativity and seasoned experience can lead to innovative breakthroughs.
  • "Legacy Projects": Encourage older employees nearing retirement to document their knowledge and expertise. This could be in the form of written guides, video tutorials, or mentorship programs, ensuring their wisdom is preserved and passed on.
  • "Wisdom Circles": Create small groups where employees can discuss ethical dilemmas or complex situations. This encourages critical thinking and the application of wisdom to real-world challenges.
  • "Celebrate Experience": Recognize and celebrate the contributions of older employees. This could be through awards, public acknowledgements, or simply creating a culture where experience is valued and respected.

Remember, cultivating wisdom isn't just about knowledge transfer; it's about creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their experiences and insights. By fostering intergenerational connections and celebrating the value of wisdom, organizations can tap into the full potential of their workforce and achieve lasting success.

The Future of Work

In an era of rapid technological advancements, human wisdom is our unique advantage. It's time to shift our focus from knowledge accumulation to wisdom cultivation. By creating a workplace that values experience and encourages intergenerational collaboration, we can unlock the full potential of our workforce and achieve greater success.

Remember, wisdom isn't just about age; it's about the ability to learn from experiences and share those insights with others. Let's create a workplace where wisdom is celebrated, and everyone has the opportunity to contribute their unique perspective.

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