
Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms

October 28, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

During these times of wars, illnesses, crimes, economic turmoil, and all the bad things happening around the world, it can be hard to regulate our worry and stop dwelling on worst-case scenarios.

This is where mindfulness meditation may be most beneficial. What is mindfulness, what are its advantages, and how can we incorporate it into our everyday lives?

Mindfulness: What Does It Mean?

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

Mindfulness refers to focusing on the current moment without judgement. Our innate human capacity to be completely present without being overreactive or overwhelmed is known as mindfulness. When we practise mindfulness, we return our attention back to the present moment, enabling us to regulate our thoughts rather than the other way around.

Mindfulness is also the polar opposite of spending life on autopilot, which most do without even recognising. How can you know if you're in autopilot mode?

Do you find yourself ticking off task after task without taking a break? Do you often contemplate when doing something as simple as assisting your kid with homework? 

If you answered yes, it's time to embrace mindfulness. Pause for a minute. Take note of your child's giggles.

Find Your Peace in the Midst of the Turmoil and Enjoy Benefits Such As:

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by M Venter

Improved Emotional Stability

Studies, as well as our experts, suggest that attentive people manage stress better and avoid harmful coping mechanisms. They are aware of their own feelings as well as the emotions of others. Therefore, they approach events calmly and cope effectively with unexpected circumstances, ultimately leading a happy healthy life than those who don’t practice mindfulness.

According to research, those who practise mindfulness better manage anxiety caused by diseases, making it more relevant in our daily lives.

Better Professional Performance

Mindful meditation enables us to concentrate on one task at a time, reducing our tendency to get distracted. It also increases creativity by removing negative thoughts that stifle creative thinking.

Practising mindfulness helps us concentrate on the present and allows for better ideation, clear communication, and active listening —- all of which are valuable qualities to have a perfect work life balance.

Better Interpersonal Relationships

Mindfulness practice helps us create better ways of interacting with others. It teaches us to avoid emotional responses and approach every interaction with empathy and patience – something we could all use right now.

Overall, mindfulness is related to increased regard for people and their feelings, making it simpler for us to change our actions to better our relationships. This is especially true when it comes to having wellbeing at workplace as we start to deal with every situation mindfully. 

In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." - Albert Einstein

Here’s How to Get Started With a Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by RF._.studio

Set Your Intention for the Day:

Mornings are ideal for this, but if you can't, choose a time that works best for you throughout the day. Simply take these few steps:

  • Sit up straight with your spine relaxed, not stiff.
  • Take three slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Consider your day's schedule and ask yourself what your purpose is.
  • Respond to the question and state your objective, which may include being kinder to yourself, eating well, getting certain tasks done, and so on.
  • Check-in with yourself throughout the day to make sure you're on track.

It is important to take frequent breaks while working since sitting continuously can be harmful to your health.

Pay Attention to the Sound:

When you are feeling nervous or upset, focusing your attention on the noises around you may be relaxing and centering practice. You just need to complete the following activities:

  • For a minute, sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
  • Focus on the sounds around you and identify them. For example, the clock ticking, the fan whirring, and the leaves rustling. 

After one minute, take some time to notice how relaxed and present you feel. Do this every day to enhance your general mental health.

Get Some Stretches In:

Need a quick boost when working from home? You may do the following as long as your chair has a back:

  • Put your left hand on your right knee.
  • Place your right arm on the chair's back.
  • Stretch gently.
  • Take note of the stretch; after 60 seconds, return your body to its original position.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Eat Mindfully:

Eat what you really want to eat, and don't rush through your lunch breaks. Take your time enjoying it. Be sure to pay attention to:

  • The different textures in your food
  • The time and effort put into putting it together
  • The explosion of flavours in your mouth

Dive Deep Inside Your Body:

It's easier than it seems. Close your eyes and:

  • Take note of any areas of your body where you experience tension; it might manifest as an ache or a tightness.
  • Bring your focus to a point in your body where you are not stressed.
  • Concentrate on the lack of tension as well as body sensations such as a steady pulse and a relaxed jaw.
  • Keep your attention on this for 10 seconds.
  • Consider that feeling extending throughout your body for another 10 seconds.
  • Return your focus to the initial source of tension in your body.
  • Focus on the difference if it feels different.
  • Repeat this practice many times, noting where and when the tension has eased so that the sensation might extend to the rest of your body.

Final Thoughts

You don't have to practise every single mindfulness method to feel better and more present. Experiment with various routines and strategies to see what works best for you and your schedule. After that, practise, practise, practise. We're going through a difficult period, but we'll emerge stronger.

Allow yourself to breathe, take a break, and be appreciative of the current moment in the meanwhile – it's the best any of us can do.

Workplace Wellbeing

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS

February 5, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

It's no secret that stress has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, especially in the workplace. From meeting tight deadlines to dealing with a demanding boss, work-related stress is taking a toll on our mental and physical well-being. 

In fact, according to a recent survey by Hush, one in five Indian workers suffers from workplace depression. This not only affects an individual's performance and productivity, but it's also a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases. 

But what if we told you that there's a solution to this problem? A groundbreaking tool that can assess and measure work-related stress accurately and quickly.  

Breaking the Chains of Work Stress

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

An innovative tool has been developed by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS) to Assess and Classify Work Stress-16 (TAWS-16), an innovative tool that integrates three critical aspects of work stress - stressors, coping mechanisms, and symptoms. 

TAWS-16 is not just any ordinary stress assessment tool. It's a game-changer! Let's take a closer look at what makes TAWS-16 so special.

Unpacking the Unique Components

This tool is specifically designed to tackle work-related stress in the Indian workforce. With two sets of 16 questions, TAWS-16 takes into account not just stressors at work but also coping mechanisms and physical symptoms. The tool categorizes individuals into three colour-coded risk categories ( yellow, red, and green ) to help employers offer targeted interventions.

Streamlining the Administration Process

TAWS-16 is fast and easy to administer, taking only six to twelve minutes to complete. Taking the test can be done manually or electronically, making it accessible to everyone. And the best part? Results are provided instantly, so you can start taking action right away!

Extensive validation and reliability assessment: 

TAWS-16 is not just a quick solution but a reliable one too. It has been extensively tested and validated for Indian workplace settings, ensuring that the results you receive are accurate and trustworthy.

"No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you'd be more productive." - Dr. Joyce Brothers

No more outdated methods

Groundbreaking Tool for Measuring Workplace Stress: NIMHANS
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The current stress assessment tools in the public domain may measure stress, but they often fall short by considering factors not related to work and are too lengthy to administer regularly. Moreover, they don't consider employees' coping abilities or the manifestation of physical symptoms.

But that's not all; these tools aren't even validated for Indian workplace settings, making them irrelevant to the unique challenges faced by the Indian workforce. This is where TAWS-16 comes in - a tool specifically tailored to the Indian workplace. 

The program identifies common work stressors that Indians face and addresses problems specifically associated with the Indian workforce. It assesses work-related stress in a given workplace and considers various factors - exposure to stressors, frequency of exposure, coping abilities, work-stress level, and symptoms.

The Power of TAWS-16

TAWS-16 is a closer look at work stressors and provides a unique approach to stress assessment. This tool identifies the common work stressors faced by the Indian workforce and provides a solution tailored to the Indian workplace. The administration of TAWS-16 is fast, simple, and effective. It only takes between 6-12 minutes to complete and can be done manually or through a web-based application.

Not only is TAWS-16 easy to use, but it also provides immediate results. The results are categorized into three color-coded risk categories (red, yellow, and green), which allows for targeted interventions. The fast and effective administration of TAWS-16, combined with its immediate results, gives workplaces the power to take control of their employees' stress levels.

TAWS-16 has undergone extensive validation and reliability assessment, so you can be confident in the results it provides. 

Leading the Way to Wellness

For too long, traditional stress assessment methods have fallen short of addressing the unique stressors that Indian workers face. TAWS-16 changes that by offering a fast, simple, and effective solution to the problem. This tool considers the challenges and pressures that come with the Indian workplace and provides immediate results that can be used to create targeted interventions.

Gone are the days of outdated stress assessment tools that fail to address the unique stressors of the Indian workforce. TAWS-16 takes a holistic approach by integrating stressors, coping mechanisms, and physical symptoms to accurately assess work-related stress in just 6-12 minutes.

As a corporate wellness company, at The Wellness Tribe we understands the toll work-related stress can take on employees' mental and physical well-being. That's why we are excited about NIMHANS' groundbreaking tool for measuring workplace stress: TAWS-16.

The Wellness Tribe is here to support you with AI-driven analysis and wellness solutions for your employees. Let's break the chains of work stress and prioritize employee well-being together.


The Surprising Power of Aiming a Little Lower at Work

September 1, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

In today's fast-paced corporate world, the spotlight often shines on one metric: productivity. We're often lauded for our capacity to churn out work, with the mythical 100% productivity level dangling in front of us like a golden carrot. 

But let's pause and rethink. What if, in this relentless quest for absolute perfection, we're missing the mark? What if the real secret to a productive and balanced work-life isn't in pushing ourselves to the absolute brink, but in aiming for a more sustainable 85%? 

This might sound counterintuitive in a world obsessed with maxing out potential, but diving deeper, we might just find that this 85% approach is the missing piece in our modern work puzzle.

The Trap of 100% Productivity

The allure of 100% productivity is strong. We're conditioned to believe that it’s the gold standard of efficiency. Yet, diving deep, we find it's more of a trap.

Employees pushing relentlessly for this elusive 100% often find themselves on the brink of exhaustion. Imagine running a marathon at sprint speed - unsustainable and unhealthy. The cost? Burnouts, decreased mental well-being, and ironically, a dip in true productivity.

Take Sarah, a graphic designer at a top-tier firm. Chasing perfection, she worked late nights, skipped meals, and even sacrificed weekends. But her relentless chase led to chronic fatigue and, eventually, a two-month medical leave.

The Sweet Spot

Enter the game-changing perspective of business author Greg McKeown. He suggests 85% as the sweet spot of productivity. It’s not about doing less but doing sustainably.

At 85%, employees can maintain consistency, quality, and enthusiasm without burning the candle at both ends. It encourages a culture where work is essential, but so is well-being. It’s about giving your best, most days, without the overwhelming pressure of perfection.

The Science Behind 85%

When we talk about productivity, it's often cloaked in terms of output and deadlines. But there's a whole layer of science, both psychological and physiological, that underpins our capacity to work effectively. Let's dissect this.

The Physiology

Firstly, let's address the body. Steve Magness, an exercise physiologist, sheds light on the concept of "overtraining" in athletes. Just as athletes can't constantly push their bodies to the max without risking injury, employees can't constantly push their minds to the brink without detrimental effects. 

Our brains, like muscles, require periods of rest to recover and regenerate. When we consistently operate at 100%, we're essentially in a state of chronic "mental overtraining", which can lead to burnout, decreased cognitive function, and even mental health issues.

The Psychological Perspective

Now, on to the psychology of it. Aiming for 100% productivity can inadvertently set us up for a binary perspective: perfection or failure. This doesn't leave room for the gray areas of learning, growth, and innovation, which often happen when we're allowed to make mistakes and iterate. 

Psychologists have long championed the importance of a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn rather than as threats. By setting a productivity goal of 85%, we mentally allow ourselves that buffer to experiment, fail, learn, and ultimately grow.

The Neuroscience Angle

Lastly, neuroscience offers another perspective. Our brain operates in cycles, with periods of high alertness followed by periods of rest. These are called ultradian rhythms. 

Typically, after 90 minutes of intensive work, our brain signals a need for a 20-minute break. Pushing beyond this natural cycle by aiming for constant 100% productivity can lead to diminishing returns in focus and output.

How to Implement the 85% Rule in Your Workplace

Incorporating the 85% rule into your workplace isn't just about changing a number on a performance sheet. It's about embracing a new philosophy of work, one that values sustainability, well-being, and holistic growth. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make this shift:

1. Begin with Awareness

Before diving into changes, initiate a dialogue. Host workshops or seminars that shed light on the science and philosophy behind the 85% rule. Employees are more likely to embrace a change when they understand its rationale and potential benefits.

2. Set Realistic, Compassionate Goals

Rethink target setting. While it's essential to maintain ambition, ensure that your goals are both challenging and achievable. Instead of pushing teams to their limits every single time, offer them a spectrum of targets that prioritize quality over sheer quantity.

3. Foster a Culture of Well-being

Move away from the "all work and no play" mindset. Introduce wellness programs that cater to both physical and mental health. This could range from meditation sessions, and ergonomic workshops, to even short breaks for relaxation. Remember, a well-rested employee is a more productive one.

4. Promote Open Communication

Create safe spaces for employees to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and offer feedback. Whether through regular check-ins, town hall meetings, or anonymous feedback systems, ensure that there's a two-way communication channel.

5. Rethink Assessment Metrics

Shift the focus from purely quantitative outputs to more qualitative ones. This might mean valuing creativity, innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving skills as much as, if not more than, sheer output.

In a world that often glorifies the hustle, the 85% rule offers a refreshing, sustainable, and, ironically, more productive alternative. Implementing it requires intention, effort, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of your team. But the rewards, both in terms of output and employee happiness, make it well worth the effort.


The quest for 100% productivity is a mirage. It promises an oasis but often leads to a desert of burnout and dissatisfaction. On the other hand, 85% is not just a number but a philosophy - one that champions sustainable effort, well-being, and a holistic approach to work.

Companies and employees alike stand to benefit immensely. It's high time we redefine success, not by the relentless grind but by the balanced, joyful, and sustainable journey. So, here's a challenge: Aim for 85% and watch both happiness and productivity soar.

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