
Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms

October 28, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

During these times of wars, illnesses, crimes, economic turmoil, and all the bad things happening around the world, it can be hard to regulate our worry and stop dwelling on worst-case scenarios.

This is where mindfulness meditation may be most beneficial. What is mindfulness, what are its advantages, and how can we incorporate it into our everyday lives?

Mindfulness: What Does It Mean?

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

Mindfulness refers to focusing on the current moment without judgement. Our innate human capacity to be completely present without being overreactive or overwhelmed is known as mindfulness. When we practise mindfulness, we return our attention back to the present moment, enabling us to regulate our thoughts rather than the other way around.

Mindfulness is also the polar opposite of spending life on autopilot, which most do without even recognising. How can you know if you're in autopilot mode?

Do you find yourself ticking off task after task without taking a break? Do you often contemplate when doing something as simple as assisting your kid with homework? 

If you answered yes, it's time to embrace mindfulness. Pause for a minute. Take note of your child's giggles.

Find Your Peace in the Midst of the Turmoil and Enjoy Benefits Such As:

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by M Venter

Improved Emotional Stability

Studies, as well as our experts, suggest that attentive people manage stress better and avoid harmful coping mechanisms. They are aware of their own feelings as well as the emotions of others. Therefore, they approach events calmly and cope effectively with unexpected circumstances, ultimately leading a happy healthy life than those who don’t practice mindfulness.

According to research, those who practise mindfulness better manage anxiety caused by diseases, making it more relevant in our daily lives.

Better Professional Performance

Mindful meditation enables us to concentrate on one task at a time, reducing our tendency to get distracted. It also increases creativity by removing negative thoughts that stifle creative thinking.

Practising mindfulness helps us concentrate on the present and allows for better ideation, clear communication, and active listening —- all of which are valuable qualities to have a perfect work life balance.

Better Interpersonal Relationships

Mindfulness practice helps us create better ways of interacting with others. It teaches us to avoid emotional responses and approach every interaction with empathy and patience – something we could all use right now.

Overall, mindfulness is related to increased regard for people and their feelings, making it simpler for us to change our actions to better our relationships. This is especially true when it comes to having wellbeing at workplace as we start to deal with every situation mindfully. 

In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." - Albert Einstein

Here’s How to Get Started With a Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by RF._.studio

Set Your Intention for the Day:

Mornings are ideal for this, but if you can't, choose a time that works best for you throughout the day. Simply take these few steps:

  • Sit up straight with your spine relaxed, not stiff.
  • Take three slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Consider your day's schedule and ask yourself what your purpose is.
  • Respond to the question and state your objective, which may include being kinder to yourself, eating well, getting certain tasks done, and so on.
  • Check-in with yourself throughout the day to make sure you're on track.

It is important to take frequent breaks while working since sitting continuously can be harmful to your health.

Pay Attention to the Sound:

When you are feeling nervous or upset, focusing your attention on the noises around you may be relaxing and centering practice. You just need to complete the following activities:

  • For a minute, sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
  • Focus on the sounds around you and identify them. For example, the clock ticking, the fan whirring, and the leaves rustling. 

After one minute, take some time to notice how relaxed and present you feel. Do this every day to enhance your general mental health.

Get Some Stretches In:

Need a quick boost when working from home? You may do the following as long as your chair has a back:

  • Put your left hand on your right knee.
  • Place your right arm on the chair's back.
  • Stretch gently.
  • Take note of the stretch; after 60 seconds, return your body to its original position.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Eat Mindfully:

Eat what you really want to eat, and don't rush through your lunch breaks. Take your time enjoying it. Be sure to pay attention to:

  • The different textures in your food
  • The time and effort put into putting it together
  • The explosion of flavours in your mouth

Dive Deep Inside Your Body:

It's easier than it seems. Close your eyes and:

  • Take note of any areas of your body where you experience tension; it might manifest as an ache or a tightness.
  • Bring your focus to a point in your body where you are not stressed.
  • Concentrate on the lack of tension as well as body sensations such as a steady pulse and a relaxed jaw.
  • Keep your attention on this for 10 seconds.
  • Consider that feeling extending throughout your body for another 10 seconds.
  • Return your focus to the initial source of tension in your body.
  • Focus on the difference if it feels different.
  • Repeat this practice many times, noting where and when the tension has eased so that the sensation might extend to the rest of your body.

Final Thoughts

You don't have to practise every single mindfulness method to feel better and more present. Experiment with various routines and strategies to see what works best for you and your schedule. After that, practise, practise, practise. We're going through a difficult period, but we'll emerge stronger.

Allow yourself to breathe, take a break, and be appreciative of the current moment in the meanwhile – it's the best any of us can do.

Flexible Working

Talent Trends - Has 'Flexible Working' come to an end?

December 4, 2022
Wellness Tribe Team

Employers who have grown accustomed to flexible employment arrangements may soon face an unpleasant surprise.

On LinkedIn's behalf, a study by YouGov surveyed nearly 3,000 executives from organizations with at least 1,000 employees and at least £250 million in revenue ($288.5 million).

According to these statistics, remote job postings are declining. In India, for example, the number of remote job postings decreased by five percentage points since April, when they peaked at 20% of all job postings.

While this is still a good deal higher than pre-pandemic averages of 2%, it is still a stark contrast to what workers would like to see.

"Flexibility is an essential component of a successful work environment, enabling employees to find a balance between their professional and personal lives." - Stuart W. Crabb

Workplace flexibility is ranked as one of the most important objectives for workers after remuneration, alongside work-life balance, skills development, and compensation.

Even though the number of jobs requiring remote work has decreased in the United States, these advertisements still garner more than half of all applicants as of September.

Data shows that remote employment accounts for 14.6% of employment possibilities globally but receives 20.2% of application submissions. The number of remote jobs in India is 11.3%, while the number of resumes is 20.3%.

Remote Job Posts vs. Applications, September 2022

Talent Trends - Has 'Flexible Working' come to an end?
Source: LinkedIn Global Talent Report

Why are businesses cutting back?

LinkedIn polled its users about remote employment options and found that the trend towards remote employment was correlated with the current economic environment.

As part of a survey of executives, they were asked if the Coronavirus outbreak would force their companies to adopt more flexible working practices. In response to this question, more than 68% of executives said yes.

The current economic uncertainty has resulted in corporations in all parts of the world freezing their recruitment efforts. As a result, business leaders are under tremendous pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency to pursue these goals.

Trends in workforce confidence

‍Trends in workforce confidence
Source: LinkedIn Global Talent Report

In the absence of an epidemic leading to a move toward flexible working and corporate wellness programs to help workers, the balance of power is now in the hands of employers.

This report also found that the current economic uncertainty adversely affects other employee benefits. In other words, 70% of CEOs agreed that skill development might need to be emphasized less in the future, and 75% said that employee well-being would likely receive less attention.

The survival of businesses depends on their ability to adapt to changing conditions. Some companies might think they can save money by reducing benefits like flexible scheduling, but they could suffer long-term consequences.

In companies that lag behind in adopting flexible and remote working, employees risk becoming demotivated and leaving for rivals who offer more attractive options. In order to survive, businesses will have to be more adaptable.

Businesses are beginning to offer a broader range of perks as a way to keep and attract workers—many still recovering from the Great Resignation. There have even been some employers who have adopted a four-day workweek.

We at TheWellnessTribe believe that businesses must be able to adapt and be flexible in order to succeed in the future.

In the long run, the winners will be those who recognize this as an opportunity, adapt and iterate, and explore new working methods.

Emotional Wellbeing

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being

December 16, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

Blue is a calming colour that is often associated with feelings of peace and tranquillity. This is why many people find that being around blue spaces, such as a clear blue sky or a deep blue ocean, can make them feel better. 

Spending time in blue spaces with a lot of blue in the colour scheme – can positively affect our mental health and well-being. The colour blue has long been associated with calmness and serenity, and research has shown that being in blue spaces can help us feel more relaxed and at peace. In this article, we will examine how blue spaces can provide us with a sense of well-being and improve our mood.

Why Is Blue So Special?

There are a few reasons why blue spaces can positively affect our mood and well-being. For one, the colour blue has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind. In fact, many people associate the colour blue with feelings of peace and tranquility. This is because blue is often associated with the sky and the ocean, which are both known for their calming effects.

One study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that people who spent time in a room with blue walls reported feeling more relaxed and less stressed than those who were in a room with white walls. The researchers also found that the blue room was more effective at lowering blood pressure and heart rate than the white room.

Provide Anxiety Relief

One of the reasons why blue spaces can improve our mood is that they can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Blue has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body and can help lower heart rate and blood pressure. This is why many hospitals and healthcare facilities use blue as a calming colour in their design. So being around blue spaces can help reduce stress and anxiety and make us feel more relaxed and at peace.

A Greater Focus and Concentration

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being
Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

Blue spaces can also improve our mood by enabling us to focus and concentrate. The colour blue has been shown to affect our cognitive abilities positively and can help improve our focus and concentration. This is why many schools and offices use blue in their design, as it can help improve productivity and focus. In addition, being around blue spaces can help improve our cognitive abilities, making us feel more alert and focused.

Benefits Beyond Mental Health

In addition to the psychological benefits of blue spaces, they can also have physical health benefits. For example, being around blue spaces can help to improve our immune system, as the colour blue has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. This means it can help kill bacteria and other germs that can cause illness. So being around blue spaces helps protect our health and keep us feeling our best.

"Blue is the only color which maintains its own character in all its tones ... it will always stay blue." - Raoul Dufy

Incorporating More Blue Spaces

Spend More Time Outside

One way to incorporate more blue spaces into our lives is to spend more time outdoors. The sky and the ocean are two examples of naturally occurring blue spaces that can provide us with many of the benefits discussed above. 

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being
Photo by steffi harms on Unsplash 

More Beach or Lake Visits

Visit the beach or a lake more often. One of the easiest ways to incorporate more blue spaces into our lives is to visit bodies of water regularly. The sound of waves crashing against the shore or a gentle stream can have a calming effect on our minds and help reduce stress and anxiety. Plus, the fresh air and sunlight can boost our mood and overall health.

Water Sports

Bring nature indoors. If you need easy access to a body of water, you can still incorporate blue spaces into your daily life by bringing nature indoors. This can be as simple as placing a fish tank in your home or office or adding a few plants to your space. The presence of water and greenery can help create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

Closing Thoughts

As a corporate wellness company, we are always looking for ways to improve our client's employees' mental and physical well-being. One strategy that we have found to be particularly effective is the incorporation of blue spaces into the work environment.

Studies have shown that blue hues can have a calming and soothing effect on people, reducing stress and improving overall feelings of well-being. This can be especially beneficial in a corporate setting, where employees are often pressured to meet deadlines and perform at their best. Have you tried incorporating blue into your workplace? We would like to hear about your experience if you have one.

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